It has been a rainy month, which is great since we need the water. But it makes me focus on soups and stews so you are seeing those sections grow before other sections on the site. For a couple of years now “food” has been a focus of mine, some would say obsession; in either case, I have been spending my time keeping up with what is happening on the food scene globally. As part of that, and given it is the start of a new year, I thought I would list the top 10 trends that I see happening in 2019 cooking.
- OIL Coconut Oil sales will fall (it has already started in some parts of the world) as more people find vegetable oils cheaper and heart healthier. While Palm oil is the most used world wide, and I do not anticipate this will change, people are also starting to realize the harm it causes to their health and the environment, and global sales will start to decline.
- LIFESTYLE Vegan (or “plant based”) eating will start to be more normative in the West and major restaurants and fast food chains will start to offer more options.
- SUPER FOOD The concept of a “super food” will continue as the world finds more regional foods to focus on, so expect new ones to emerge. (In reality of course there is no one “super food” that can totally feed the body, create a healthy gut and glowing skin, cure disease, and turn back the hands of time.)
- HEMP CBD-infused foods and drinks will crop up in unexpected places. Also expect a raise in Hemp seed use in dishes.
- SNACKS Snacks will take a healthy turn as people move to unique combinations in crackers, chips, and faux meat snacks. Critically, they will be willing to pay high prices for these snacks.
- ALT FOODS Alternative foods (oat milks and lab meats) will take center stage and cause a backlash from areas of the world dependent on selling dairy milk and meats. We have already seen legal fights on the term “milk,” expect one on “meat.”
- DIETS We will see more health-based diets that are not weight-focused, but looking at improving aspects of our health. Food as medicine will grow as a concept through these diets. I expect the Mediterranean diet to make a resurgence.
- WASTE We will also see more attention to waste, both food waste and packaging. Most especially plastic will continue to be a focus of concern, not just straws.
- VEGGIES Sea vegetables and mushrooms will be the new veggie craze, along with some new green vegetables I have not yet heard about.
- CONDIMENTS Hummus, tahini, and miso will be used in many popular dishes to come. I expect more hummus as appetizers and in unique combinations.
- BONUS: International breakfasts will come into vogue as people learn of the wonderful flavors and options there are for breakfast eats.
Recipes: This time around I have added a Lemon Dill Salmon recipe, a colorful Peanut Cabbage Bell Pepper Salad, and an All Veggie Lasagna. For a breakfast dish I have added Poached Egg Asparagus. All very good and tasty if you have crisp fresh ingredients to start with.
Articles: I add a knife skills article featuring a YouTube video that shows the cutting technique I have been taught. For those of you unsure of your cutting skills it is a good reminder. Remember the truth about “practice makes perfect” and go slow at first, speed will come with time. Added DIY Salts, and an article on cast iron skillets.
News: The Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology is reporting that genetically modified food, modified with foreign DNA, can survive harsh processing and digestive conditions in humans and animals, thus leading researchers to finding that foreign DNA in the blood stream and tissues. More study is needed, but it causes concern.
Please share my site with others, I would like to have 50 subscribers by the end of this year so would appreciate your help in making that goal happen. Thanks for reading and cooking with me!