The magic of these plants is that they currently provide us lots of quality nutrition as cooking ingredients. (In fact, I did a post on seeds and included information on both these plants.) I use ground flax seeds as egg substitutes in many dishes. Hemp hearts I use in baking, and as a topping on porridge. Great foods. Lets look at them now as a milk replacement

Review Flax Seed Milk
Good Karma is the only flax milk I could find. So I am relying on that company website to discuss this milk. Of course I bought the milk to test it as well.
The flax milk is dairy, lactose, soy, gluten, and cholesterol free. It is non-GMO verified, fortified, and contains pea protein. The flax is organic, so that overall there are less harmful pesticides. Articles mention that this plant, and its seeds, are one of the best plant-based sources for omega-3 fatty acids. It has a sweet, creamy, and just a very slight nutty flavor.

Writers seem impressed with this plant, it is renewable and abundant, biodegradable (without treatments) and uses up to 5x less fertilizers/pesticides when compared to other crops. The whole plant is usable so it has limited to no waste, and processing is pretty minimal to make the plant usable.
From what I have read, flax seed farming causes no harm to the soil or environment, they have a moderate water use, and low carbon foot print. It is often mentioned as sustainable with limited damage to the environment.

√ Good Karma Flaxmilk (Vanilla)
This is a non-GMO, fortified drink contained in a recyclable container. It states it is gluten free and vegan. There are no comments about being organic or where the hazelnuts come from.
- Color: Creamish
- Viscosity: 2% milk
- Taste: This was a vanilla flavored drink
- Coffee: Great addition to my morning coffee
- I made a cocktail with Kahlúa and flax milk, it tasted really good.
- Contains pea protein, cane sugar, tapioca starch, gellan gum, xanthan gum, and other items.
- Fortfied with VitA, VitC, B12, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium and VitD.
- Is carrageenan free.
- Storage: Pantry until opened, fridge for 7-10 days
- Certified no animal or child labor + fair wages
I really like this plant milk. It is creamy, good tasting, and very healthy nutritionally. This is undoubtedly, one of my favorite milks to drink straight from the carton. Highly recommended as a milk replacement.

Tempt Hempmilk
This Canadian beverage is fortified, and is milk, lactose, gluten, cholesterol, soy, nut, and corrageenon free. It is also vegan, kosher, and non-GMO. Whew, but notice nothing says organic. The VeggieSociety states this milk is also:
- Good protein source that contains all 20 amino-acids + 9 of the essential amino acids our bodies can not produce.
- Rich in GLA (gamma linoleic acid) – essential Omega-6 fatty acid.
- High in Omega-3 fats.
It clearly states it is not an infant formula, which is the case with all non-human milks.
WebMD notes that some people have hemp allergies so test before you drink a lot of it. Some hemp milks fortify their beverage with a synthetic form of B12 (cyanocobalamin) which may (rarely) cause low potassium levels. Hemp naturally contain Hemp seeds contain both tannins and saponins which may cause stomach problems with some people.
Finally, WebMD notes that some hemp milk also contains thickeners like carrageenan, guar gum, or xanthan gum. These gelling agents may cause stomach aches, bloating, inflammation of the digestive system, and more adverse reactions.

Forbes, and others, write that hemp is a fast growing, renewable and sustainable plant that has many uses in various industries. They speak of how hemp does not require water, pesticides or herbicides to grow.
The main issue I could find was related to people, and lawmakers confusing the hemp plant with cannibis (marijuana). This plant is much aligned and in fact is a plant that can provide many items we use: milk, nutrition as a food, rope, clothing, shoes, paper, and so on.

Tempt Hempmilk
I have to.admit I was looking forward to this tasting. I use hemp hearts in some of my baking and always have some in the fridge. But I was shocked at the taste and viscosity of the beverage which I found unpleasant and watery. When compared to “milk” this is not that, although it is a highly nutritious liquid.
- Color: Creamy
- Viscosity: Watery
- Taste: To everyone who I taste tested it with, said it tasted awful
- With cereal: Not very good
- High in terms of nutrition so might be good to add to shakes, or to bake with provided the baked food has other strong flavors.
- Storage: Pantry until opened, fridge for 7-10 days
- Certified no animal or child labor + fair wages
I am neutral on this milk but would not treat it as a drink, for I find its taste unpleasant; so did a taste tester, but my spouse found it tasty, sort of grassy. To me, it felt too watery, had a grassy-field smell, and its initial taste was not a good experience. However, it is high in nutrition. I recommend you try it yourself and if you like its taste, it is a very healthy beverage.