Seed + Berry Curry Salad


1C raw quinoa (640c, 112k, 24p, 12f)
2C water
1½C homemade broth (129c, 12.71k, 9.07p, 0f)
¼C chopped red bell pepper (7.5c, 2k, .5p, .62f)
¼C chopped yellow bell (7.5c, 2k, .5p, .62f)
1 small red onion finely chopped (29c, 7.08k, .64p, 1f)
1½t curry powder (9c, 1.74k, .37p, .74f))
¼C chopped fresh cilantro (1c, .14k, .09p, .1f)
2 lime zest and juice (20c, 6.4k, .32p, .4f)
¼C toasted sliced almonds (170c, 6k, 6p, 3f)
1C grated carrots (45c, 10.54k, 1.02p, 3.1f))
1C dried cranberries (520c, 132k, 0p, 12f)
Salt and ground black pepper to taste


6 Servings
Per serving: 263c, 47.27k, 7.09p, 5.60f


First gather all your food items, then wash your hands and the veggies

2)  Prepare quinoa: Soak quinoa in water for ~5 minutes, then swish with your fingers to clean. Drain via a sieve, and rinse under running water. Add broth to a saucepan and bring to a boil, add quinoa, stir, then cover and bring back to a boil. Lower heat so that it simmers, put a lid on and cook for ~15 minutes, or until the seed is fluffy and the liquid is absorbed. Once cooked scrape into a mixing bowl and chill in the refrigerator until cold. While cooking quinoa prepare the rest of the recipe.

3) Slice and toast almonds in a dry cast iron pan. Once done place in a bowl and set aside. Chop all the veggies and herbs.

4)  Once quinoa is cold, remove from fridge and stir in the veggies, herbs, fruit, curry powder, lime juice and zest. Season to taste with salt and pepper and then chill again mixing it occasionally to make sure the citrus is integrated. Right before serving top with the toasted almond slices.


[x] Flexitarian + Omnivore
[x] Vegetarian + Pescatarian
[x] Vegan
[x] Weight Maint
[O] Keto
[x] Mediterranean
[O] Lectin Avoidance: pepper
[O] Oxalate Avoidance: nuts, seeds, dried fruit
[x] Purine Avoidance
[x] Allergies: NUTS, SEEDS


I have also used dried cherries with this and it tastes good.

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