2C uncooked sushi rice (476c, 100k, 7.2p, 0f, 580s)
4C water
2 chopped scallions (20c, 2.24k, .56p, .8f)
2C sliced Napa cabbage (44c, 10.4k,2.2p, 4.4f, 32s)
2T Seaweed Gomasio (90c, 3k, 3p, 0f, 480s)
1/2C Mirin (360c, 42k, 0p, 0f)
1/4C gluten free Tamari sauce (40c, 4k, 8p, 0f)
2T light brown sugar (90c, 24k, 0p, 0f)
1t grated ginger (1.6c, .4k, 0p, 0f, .3s))
1# skinless salmon fillets (480c, 0k, 84p, 0f)
Salt + pepper
4T white rice flour (144.5c, 31.65k, 2.35p, .95f)
2T Peanut oil (238c, 0k, 0p, 0f)
2T toasted sesame seeds (104c, 4.22k, 3.2p, 2.2f)

Serving dish 2088.1c, 221.91k, 110.51p, 8.35f
6 servings
Per serving 261c, 36.99k, 18.42p, 1.40f
First, rinse and cook the rice. Add 2C uncooked sushi rice to a pot with 4C water. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer until water is gone. Remove from heat and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
2) Dry toast 2T sesame seeds and set aside. Peel and thinly slice shallots diagonally, set aside. Thinly slice cabbage, and set aside. Place the rice flour onto a plate for dipping, and set aside.
3) Marinade: Combine tamari, ginger and mirin in a sauce pan. Sprinkle in sugar. Whisk while bringing the sauce to a boil, you want the sugar completely dissolved. Once boiling, turn down the heat to simmer ~10 minutes and it should thicken. Taste to see if you want to modify anything, then take the pan off the heat and keep nearby.
4) When rice has sit for a little bit, add the cabbage, scallion, and Gomasio to the rice and fluff. Then put the lid back on and let it stay warm. (This will also help wilt the cabbage a bit.)
5) Preheat skillet and brush the grilling pan with the peanut oil. Meanwhile, cut the salmon into six equal pieces, salt and pepper both sides of the salmon, then dip in flour shaking off the excess. When the pan is ready, fry the salmon on the grill. Turn over and brush on the marinade. After ~3-4 min flip the salmon and brush more marinade. Keep flipping over so the fish does not burn, until it is done. Once done remove from heat.
6) Serve by plating the rice-veggie portion, placing the cooked salmon on top, adding some of the marinade on each salmon, and a sprinkle of the toasted sesame seeds over the top. Use up all the ingredients.
[x] Flexitarian + Omnivore
[O] Vegetarian
[x] Pescatarian
[O] Vegan
[x] Gluten free
[?] Weight Maint
[?] Keto
[x] Mediterranean
[O] Lectin Avoidance: peanut oil
[O] Oxalate Avoidance: seeds
[O] Purine Avoidance: fish
[x] Allergies: FISH, PEANUT, SEEDS
This recipe works with salmon, chicken, and tempe Critically do not over marinate the food, we want the flavor of the food to come through and be augmented by the sauce, not function as a vehicle for the sauce; except for tempe.
Source: There is a wonderful site, JustOneCookBook and has very good recipes and instructions. While they were not the source of this recipe, I think their instructions for a teriyaki marinade is good.