Our visitor Kate has been introducing us to a variety of vegan restaurants, delis, and markets that are all around the Bay Area. We never knew some of these places… [Continue Reading]
The Butcher’s Son
Forbes writes that Berkeley, California, is so vegan-friendly that it passed a resolution that required only vegan food to be served once per week at all the city’s meetings and events. It’s… [Continue Reading]
A Day Trip to Greens
We had a vegan visitor from the East Coast, so while in San Francisco we took her to Greens Restaurant. This is a review of our meal and the restaurant…. [Continue Reading]
Avoiding Nightshade Food
A friend is currently avoiding and eliminating “nightshade” plants from her diet based on medical advice. Since I want to have her over for dinner, I have been thinking about… [Continue Reading]
Plant Milks: Rice
My Milk Series This is most likely my last post on milk. I have researched and written about the milks, animal or plant, and have given each their due. Today… [Continue Reading]
Global Noodles + Soup 10
Some interesting new instant noodles and soups I have recently tried from the website Noodelight. While many of the ramen they sell are less than $2/package, they do have some… [Continue Reading]
Too Many Greens
One of the big things about a home garden is related to like-foods needing harvesting at the same time. So, you have mustard greens, chard, kale, and collard greens in… [Continue Reading]
The GERD Diet
I am one of the ~3M people in the USA that experiences gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). I can eat throughout the day with only minor symptoms, but an hour after… [Continue Reading]
A Taco on Tuesday
I love “Taco Tuesdays”, currently my spouse and I have a standing date to visit a Mexican Restaurant each Tuesday for taco lunches. There are three types of taco varieties… [Continue Reading]
Restaurant Home Deliveries
DoorDash ordering data (1 Jan 2019 to 31 Oct 2020) combined with a DKC Analytics national consumer survey of 1,000 Americans (6 Nov – 7 Nov 2020), has produced some… [Continue Reading]
Technique: Steam
Steaming Foods Wikipedia: Steaming works by boiling water continuously, causing it to vaporise into steam; the steam then carries heat to the nearby food, thus cooking the food. By many it is… [Continue Reading]
Dietary Fiber
Dietary Fiber Important to Health (1) Most of us will get fiber directly from the foods we eat, unless we tend to eat only meat and processed foods. PCRM states… [Continue Reading]
Rice #1 Consumed Carb
The Rice Crop Rice is an ubiquitous and gluten-free starchy grass that is a staple food and also used in many food products. It is the #1 food crop, consumed… [Continue Reading]