Potato Leek Veggie Soup


3 halved and chopped leeks (162c, 37.77k, 4.02p, 4.8f)
5 peeled and chopped medium potatoes (765c, 169.35k, 20.15p, 18f)
2 chopped large carrots (50c, 11.68k, 1.14p, 3.4f)
2C chopped celery (28c, 6k, 1.4p, 3.2f)
2 bay leaves
2T fresh thyme (6c, 1k, .24p, .6f)
6C chicken broth (516c, 42.35k, 36.3p, 0f)
Pinch cayene

I use what I have, in this case I had one older russet potato and several red ones, so I just combined. The end result of mixing potatoes is often okay. Only when I specify the potatoes to use does it matter (generally because of the starch in the various potatoes).


Dish total 1527c, 268.15k, 63.25p, 30f
Servings ~6 one cup servings
Per serving 254.5c, 44.70k, 10.54p, 5f


First wash hands and the veggies, and if your home made broth is frozen start to thaw it in the microwave using the defrost setting.

2) Peel and chop the potatoes. Slice the leek lengthwise and chop, then wash thoroughly as this is the one veggie that consistently has some dirt remaining from the field. Chop the carrots.

3) Put all the veggies and herbs in the pot, add the broth, cover and cook until soft. I boiled the broth and veggies, then turned the flame down to a simmer and let it cook for ~30 minutes. I tested with a fork that the food was soft enough to blend.

4) Once soft, taste and add salt and pepper as needed. (If you want you can also add some red pepper flakes or cayanne for a little heat.) Very important is to locate and remove the bay leaves.

5) Then with an immersion blender blend it all up and it is ready to serve.


[x] Flexitarian + Omnivore
[x] Gluten free
[x] Weight Maint
[O] Keto
[x] Mediterranean
[O] Lectin Avoidance: potatoes
[O] Oxalate Avoidance: potatoes
[x] Purine Avoidance

— with changes  —
[x] Vegetarian + Pescatarian + Vegan: use veggie broth


This is a dump dish. When the leeks, celery, or carrots have been in the fridge too long this soup will use them up and their fresh condition does not really matter. A little wilting does not effect the flavor. As a dump dish I may have more carrots one week, and way too much celery another. As a result the flavor of this soup changes with what I have available to use.

If you find this soup too thick you can always add up to 1C water or broth. Too much liquid and you will risk reducing the wonderful flavor this soup has.