As part of our first RV experience, in our rented Leisure Travel Van (Wonder FTB), we stayed and ate at a farm in Lake County, Northern California. Ripe Choice Farm + Catering is a farm, orchard, and vineyard, but also a catering service for small and large events all around the Lakeport area, or at their own event space in a wonderful old barn. This is a story of our one night stay at the farm.

Ripe Choice Owners
When planning our initial RV trip, I arranged to stay at a full-service site for 2 days (with electricity, water, and dumping); then arranged for two nights dry camping at a farm and at a ranch. Part of this was to get the full RV experience in different sites and with differing services. But, as part of my blog, I had always imagined getting out and visiting the farmers at their locations. So this trip would achieve some goals: have new stuff to write about for the blog, and trying out RV living.
As potentially future RV owners, I joined Harvest Hosts to find free dry-camping choices in Lake County and this farm popped up and piqued my interest. In addition to having one RV space available, they were said to have an Airbnb apartment on site, and rent out space in their 100-year old barn for events. Most interesting to me was that they were a farm, and also ran a local catering service that delivered or hosted events. Right up my alley.
From what was on line, I have learned that ~20 years ago Chef Tammy Lipps found her passion for food, went to culinary school, and turned into a well known Chef in Manhattan Beach, California. In 2020, just before Covid-19 hit us all, she and her husband moved from their successful catering business to this lovely 6-acre slice of heaven in Northern California’s Lake County.
Here they have continued their catering business, now running with fresh-from-the-farm organic foods. So while Chef Tammy runs the catering business, her husband Mark Lipps, who is turning into a very conscientious farmer, appears to tend the land and animals (dogs, a large and small tortoise, chickens, and rescued pigs). From what we observed, and what we read, they seem to be a hard working, well integrated couple within the local community, despite being here only a year or so.
The people running Ripe Choice Farm + Catering are nice people, trying to build a life and business during hard pandemic and financial times. By all accounts they are doing well, which is saying something.

First Impressions
We arrived a bit early, so decided to park and settle down for lunch in the RV before the formal hellos. We were directed by Mark to a grassy site that accommodates one RV easily enough, and we leveled by pulling forward and backward a bit to find the best level place to park. To the left of the camp site were merlot grape vines, and beyond that, toward the road, was an orchard of apples, peaches, and a large persimmon tree. There may have been other fruit trees, but Mark mentioned these fruits specifically.
Toward the rear of our RV was a small enclosed pig pen, and nearby a chicken coop. Wherever my eyes turned, I could see dogs, chickens, piglets, and a tortoise running, or moseying, around as they pleased. We ate our lunch in the RV just relaxing looking out the large windows and letting the breeze from the open door and fans wash over us. We ate rye bread with slices of dill havarti cheese and fresh avocado, topped with a sprinkle of pink rock salt.
Along with the vineyards and orchard, we noticed a large area that had temporary fencing around it and asked what was going to happen there. Mark told us it was going to be the the garden area they were in the stages of planning. What a great idea, as I personally love nothing more than going out into my very small backyard garden to get my fresh, organic herbs and fruit. Doing this will, no doubt, making cooking even that more exciting for Chef Tammy.

The Impactful One Night Stay
Looking out of the windows of the RV, in late March-early April, everything around us appears on the cusp of blooming. Green buds are starting to show on bushes and trees, and the grasses and fruit are in various shades of green. Lake County can be very hot, so we appreciated the RV fans, and the soft cool breeze through our open windows and door.

This farm is very much alive. Bird-songs filled the air, accented by the occasional grunt from a pig, or whine from the older dogs. The little flock of chickens, both black-with-white-spots and golden colored, are sashaying to-and-fro pecking at the ground. The little black, and bigger spotted pig were moving along the ground eating grass, snorting, as they pulled up the green grass. The bigger one keeps wagging its tail as it focuses on eating. Later Mark told us these two pigs were rescued from a horrible hording situation. They had a couple of older dogs, one black and one golden. Essentially, and without my glasses on, there are little flecks of color darting here and there among the brown and coming greenery.
At first we did not even notice the very large tortoise over by some bales of hay. But once we saw it, I had to run over and say hello. But first, we asked permission to touch and perhaps feed the pigs and tortoise. Mark approved veggies only, so I told him what we had, and grabbed some cabbage and carrot slices from the stash I had prepared for a veggie scramble dinner. We were certainly not going to miss the amount we shared with them; and enjoyed feeding the animals, feeling the pigs wet nose, and hearing their grunts and munchies as they ate.
The tortoise ate too, but I did not get my hand anywhere near its mouth. I had read that turtles and tortoises have feelings from their shell and occasionally liked having their shell brushed. So I ran my nails lightly over its hard shell and It seemed to really like it, almost as much as the carrots. But I did not scratch-rub it that long as I did not know at which point it would be too much. Finally, I ran out of food and I left; and my spouse swears it came running after me for more.

Ripe Choice Dinner
Not wanting to pass up the chance, we pre-ordered a dinner for the day we arrived and breakfast for the day we left. My new motto is ”one should never let an opportunity to give a Chef free reign to make you a meal.”
Dinner was delivered to us at 5pm, per our eating habit and request. It took them both to bring out the food (menu above). OMG the food was abundant, delicious, tasty, pleasurably pleasing to the eye, and varied in texture and flavor. Good quality food, along with a bottle of wine, mellowed us both out and led to a wonderful evening of feeling culinarily and truly satisfied. Anyone coming to the area should arrange to have them provide dinner, it was so exquisite.

The Wagu beef steak had a good and flavorful, slightly crusty exterior with a soft and juicy center; a very well cooked medium-rare steak with the right texture and taste. My spouse said it almost melted in one’s mouth. Topped with perfectly cooked asparagus, soft yet with some crunch. The polenta was tasty, topped with some mild cheese and exquistly grilled cherry tomatoes still on the vine. Even eaten cold the next day, I should report the beef was still very flavorful and satisfyingly textured. But then the asparagus tasted good cold as well.

The mustard crusted salmon was also very well made and delicious. The mustard taste melded into the flaky salmon to make a joyful mouth of food. This also came with asparagus, and a side of pesto gnocchi that were warm clouds with subtle flavor, and a bit of chewiness, just the way I like it. The next day we ate the remaining salmon cold, but did warm up the gnocchi. Again it all tasted great.

The salad was a mixture of greens, a mild Feta, a bit of sliced red onion, candied pecans and slices of a very red, ripe, and tasty strawberry. It came with a champagne vinegarette, simple, yet perfect for the flavors and textures of the salad. Other sides included toasty warm sliced french bread with prepared butter, and a very good bottle of Cabernet Franc named Writer’s Block.

Did I say the wine was good with dinner? Well it was also good with dessert which was a cast iron fudge brownie topped with strawberry ice cream and some very large, bursting-with-flavor raspberries.

Ripe Choice Breakfast
Breakfast arrived at our RV door at 8:30am. We had gotten up, put everything in its place for traveling to the next destination, and sat outside to enjoy the morning sun, the waking of the animals, and to do some writing before breakfast was served. Again, it was an OMG moment as Chef Tammy came delivering the food.

Breakfast consisted of a spinach-egg white-feta soufflé, along with 4 pieces of crispy, thick applewood bacon, and farmhouse potatoes cooked with onions and cherry tomatoes. Alongside that main course, was a scrumptious and large strawberry-cardomom scone, thick slaps of quality butter, and a jar of freshly squeezed orange juice. To top it all off, there was also an overnight jar of muesli (I could see Chia seeds and oats) with yogurt and blueberries.

My spouse is a scone expert, and immediately stated, “this is the best scone I have ever had.” Rather than eating mine, I put it in a plastic baggie to give my spouse a surprise for breakfast the next morning. Ever since this trip, my spouse declares all other scones are not worthy! I may have to see if Chef Tammy will ship scones our way! Or this becomes a reason for another RV visit to the farm.
The soufflé was excellent in taste and mouthfeel. The spinach and feta were a great addition to the egg whites and the overall taste was perfect. The country potatoes were great warm, but also we had some leftover and ate them cold the next day. Still great with no loss of flavor.
Bacon was crispy, the way I like it; I do not like limp bacon that just presents me with a mouthful of uncooked fat. Also, the overnight oats/chia container was very good. If I could have, I would have taken those for next morning’s breakfast, but since I did not have another empty container to cart it away with me I just ate it and instead packed up just the scone and some potatoes for later in the day.
Harvest Hosts is a great service that allow travelers to immerse themselves in the areas they are staying. Without the Harvest Hosts listings I would have missed this great farm and talents of its Chef.
If you get the chance, you should eat Chef Tammy’s food. It is good, quality food that tastes absolutely wonderful, in part because of the freshness of farm food, and in part because of the firm foundational cooking skill of the Chef herself. Her food was done the way it should be, with skill, heart, and a good sense of color, texture, aroma, and taste.
Highly recommended.