16oz skinless salmon fillet (480c, 0k, 84p, 0f)
1/2t Salt + 1/2t Pepper
2t avocado oil (80c, 0k, 0p, 0f)
2T capers (4c, .84k, .4p, .6f)
2C chopped celery (28c, 6k, 1.4p, 3.2f)
2 sliced scallions (20c, 2.24k, .56p, .8f)
1 deseeded, peeled chopped cucumber (16c, 2.87k, .78p, .9f)
2T chopped fresh dill (0c, .7k, 0p, 0f)
2T balsamic pomegranate vinegar (10c, 4k, 0p, 0f)
1T avacado oil (130c, 0k, 0p, 0f)
Dish total 768c, 16.65k, 87.14p, 92.64f
4 servings
Per serving 215.16c, 4.16k, 21.78p, 23..16f
First cut salmon into 1” strips, salt and pepper both sides of the strips, and cook on an oil-brushed grill pan until nearly done. Then remove to cool.

2) Chop the celery, deseed and chop cucumber, slice onions, and dill. Measure out the capers. Then if the salmon is near room temperature break it into flakes and put into a bowl. Layer some clery, cucumber, onions, dill and capers and add the next layer of salmon. Continue until all the ingredients are in the bowl.

3) Add the liquid, vinegar and oil. Place a lid on the bowl and rotate it a bit so the sauce touches everything. Put in the firdge to cool but rotate the bowl every so often so it all marinates.
4) Cut lemons and serve cold with a slice of lemon.
[x] Flexitarian + Omnivore
[x] Gluten free
[x] Weight Maint
[O] Keto
[x] Mediterranean
[x] Lectin Avoidance
[O] Oxalate Avoidance: avocado oil
[O] Purine Avoidance: fish
[x] Allergies: MILK, FISH
— with changes —
[x] Vegetarian + Pescatarian + Vegan: use salmon replacement or soy
Source: This is a variation on Ina Garten’s Grilled Salmon Salad.