An amazing couple of coincidences occurred while having dinner with friends. In one case, a friend told me about a disease she has that requires monitoring the amount of salt she eats. The other was also during a dinner party, and fellow cook Lynn, asked if I could come up with a non-alcohol extract. Amazing, because I was in the process of writing articles on extracts and salt. Sometimes it is magical how thoughts and ideas can align like that.
Recipes: I have added a few favorite recipes that are most fitting for this winter season. First, a stew and broth: a slow cooked Moroccan Lentil Stew that is tasty, filling, and great for a cold day; and a Chicken Bone Broth. Second, is a healthy, orange flavored Farro, Peas + Sprouts Salad that I served as a side dish for a salmon main course. Third, an acidic, salty, and colorful Tomato Basil Sandwich (that features hidden anchovies for the salty base). The fourth and final recipe is a wonderful Ham Yam Hash that my son and I made up for Christmas day breakfast using the leftovers from the Christmas eve dinner.
A note about anchovies. If you are not familiar with them, people seem to think they are “icky.” While I do not want it on my pizza, they are a healthy, oily fish (like salmon) that makes a wonderful base for condiments like basil mayo, Worcestershire, and fish sauce. In many countries it is a critical part of favorite dishes, although “hidden” as they easily disintegrate into a sauce leaving behind just their distinctive flavor. Try the Basil Tomato Sandwich and see what you think.
Articles: I started an Extracts + Glycerites page and have each of the recipes, four extracts and one glycerite, “percolating” now. As soon as we hit the 2 month period, I will have friends taste the extracts to see how good they are. (So far, they sure do smell good!) If it passes the friends test, I will look to making more herb-based mixtures. Stay tuned. I also wrote a Salt article, talking about everything I know on Salt and DIY salts you can make for cooking or gifting. I will be adding pictures to those articles over the next two weeks.
I have to also admit I am rereading many of the previous recipes and articles correcting grammar and spelling, and verifying nutrient counts with a trusty calculator. Let me know if you find anything that needs correcting.
Food news: There are two things I always talk about when prepping food. First, I always start recipes instructing we wash our veggies and hands because it is just too easy to introduce bad things into our food. And let’s be honest, we walk in a world full of life; bacteria, viruses and all sorts of bugs, dander, and who knows what is in the air, on our hands, and, ultimately, in our food. After the recent California fires for instance, I washed the skins of lemons and limes from my trees because I knew they were contaminated with whatever particulates were in the air. However, I admit I never thought to wash avocados before. (1)
The other thing I talk a lot about is that we should try to buy locally when we can. With large scale food companies, that sell all over the nation, it is so easy for one business to contaminate a food item, only to have it used by a multiple of companies, and down the line making hundreds of people sick in a number of states.
Both of these issues, washing our food and the logistics of our national food system, are part of the food safety concerns on this last day in 2018.(2)
- Avocados need to have their skins washed before you cut into them now because the FDA found a bunch that tested positive for a bacteria that can cause listeria and they are concerned that the act of cutting the fruit will introduce the bacteria to the flesh
- USDA reports Jennie-O ground turkey infected with Salmonella covering 38 states
- Some Pepperidge Farm snacks, Honey Smacks cereal, and Duncan Hines boxed cakes were found to have food contaminated with Salmonella related to a sub-ingredient
Despite the food news, it is a great time to be cooking and sharing food with family and friends. In the spirit of the various holidays that are celebrated this time of year, I and my family, wish you and your family health, happiness, and good times around your family table.
Thanks for commenting on the site and commenting on one of the recipies.
I enjoyed the Farro, peas and sprouts salad. A very clever and surprising combination of flavors.