Welcome to a new food site! Cooking and the act of feeding family and friends has always been an act of love for me. This site then, is an open table where I invite you to join me in exploring food and cooking with others, something that is so critical to all of our well being. My higher goal? Using this website about food to create a community.
What makes my site different from the thousands of food sites that exist?
First, I am providing recipes that are “friend tested.” That means my friends, some of whom have severe dietary restrictions, have tasted and approved the recipes. This means I create versions of the recipes that take into account food restrictions and concerns, weight loss or management, and a variety of popular diets (vegan, vegetarian, bacon-only vegetarians, keto, etc.)
Second, I have nutritional information that is easy to understand not only for the dish as a whole, but per individual ingredients; if you need to change a food item, you can recalculate and come up with the revised nutrition for your own version of the recipe. (There is a blog about the calculations so you can understand the system I am using.)
Third, I want to reduce reliance on prepackaged food by making meals from whole, real food. So I will add instructions on making specialty ingredients for yourself. This will include condiments, herb mixtures, specialty salts/sugars/peppers, and so on.
Fourth, I also want to help us each to personally reduce food waste. So I discuss shopping techniques and ways of reducing waste by using everything from the foods you use. Ideas will be shared on growing and re-growing food, using your garden to augment purchased food, smart shopping, and food storage.
Fifth, I want be sure that the recipes are easy to make, but “easy” does not mean ordinary. Anyone can be a cook. I want you to be a cook that spreads community around your own table with people focused on the food, the presentation, and conversation.
Sixth, and finally, I incorporate food and techniques from around the world. I have lived and visited countries all around the world, my cooking incorporates flavors from the foods I have tasted and the cultures I have experienced. I am searching for flavor, the one things that makes eating a wonderful experience. My hidden goal is to make my table (and yours) powerful enough to have people set aside their electronic devices to eat and enjoy each others company.
— Patty